Monday, March 22, 2010


What's something that is plastered on every magazine cover and shown on every television channel? The answer to this easy question is: Image. Walk through a grocery store or flip through your channels at home, and you will see exactly what I'm talking about. You can't get away from it, and sadly, the importance of image has made it's way to the White House.

A President's morals and beliefs are no longer the most important thing when running for office. Their style, the way they walk, and their smile have grown to be an important issue now, too. It's sad that Americans are worried about making sure their president is nice to look at. I understand that appearance is important, but to me, the most important thing is their goals, beliefs, and morals. In all honesty, Americans probably wouldn't vote a presidential candidate into office if he were to be shown wearing clothes from Wal-Mart. We have been shown what a President "needs" to look like, and we all know that we will fail to change that stereotype. My honest opinion: We need to start worrying about what the President says he's going to do for US rather than the brand of suit he's wearing.

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